Alloy Artifacts  

Index of 291 Manufacturers

A to G   H to P   Q to Z
A to Z        
A&E Manufacturing   H & E Wrench   Q.M.S.
AIGO Kōgyō   H-P Tool Mfg.   Quality Tools Corp.
Abegg & Reinhold   Hall, Charles E. Co.   Rajah Company
Allen Mfg.   Handee Wrench   Rancke Manufacturing Co.
Allen Wrench & Tool   Hartford Special Mach.   Reechet Tool Corp.
American Chain Co.   Hawkeye Wrench   Reed Manufacturing Co.
American Plierench Corp.   Hazet   Rex Wrench
American Saw Company   Heller Brothers   Rhode Island Tool
Armstrong Bros. Tool   Henry & Allen Company   Richards Mfg.
Arrow Tool   Herbrand Corp.   Ridge Tool Company
Asahi Kinzoku Kōgyō   Heyco   Riken Kaki Kōgyō
Atha Tool Co.   Hi-Test Premier Products   Robert Wrench
Award Tool Company   Hibbard Spencer Bartlett   Rogers, Printz & Co.
Ayer, F.H. Manufacturing   Hinckley-Myers   Ronson Specialty Co.
BAHCO   Hinsdale Mfg.   Rosel, W.E. Company
Barcalo Mfg.   Hjorth, William & Co.   Scholler Mfg.
Barnes Tool Co.   Hoe Corporation   Schollhorn, William Co.
Basford, H.R. Co.   Hokuyo Sangyo   Schriver, O.P.
Battery Equip. & Supply   Hol-Set Manufacturing   Sears, Roebuck & Co.
Bay State   Hunt, George L. Mfg.   Sedgley, R.F.
Beckley-Ralston   Hunter, H.D. & Company   Service Engineering Corp.
Belzer   Husky Wrench   Sherman-Klove Co.
Bemis & Call   IPS Pliers Company   Showa Supana Seizo
Bergman Tool Mfg.   Imperial Tool Company   Simplex Wrench Co.
Bethlehem Spark Plug Co.   Indestro Mfg.   Sire & Petersen
Billings & Spencer   Interstate Drop Forge   Smith & Hemenway
Blackhawk Mfg.   Irland Pipe Wrench   Smith, H.D. Company
Blue Point   Irvington Mfg.   Smith, Thomas & Sons
Bog Mfg.   Ives, W.A. Manufacturing Co.   Snap-On Wrench Company
Boker, H. & Company   Japan Inst. of Standards   Snap-on Tools Corp.
Bonner, C.E. Mfg.   K-D Manufacturing   Southington Mfg.
Bonney Forge & Tool   Keystone Mfg.   Specialty Tools, Inc.
Bonney Vise & Tool   Kilborn & Bishop   Speednut Wrench Corp.
Bonney-Vehslage Tool Co.   King Pressed Steel   Spring Leaf Lubricator Co.
Boos Tool Co.   King, J.M. & Company   St. Pierre Chain Corp.
Braunsdorf-Mueller Co.   Kipton Industries   Stahlwille
Bridgeport Hardware Mfg.   Klein Tools   Standard Wrench & Tool
Brosnihan Wrench Co.   Klein, M. & Sons   Stanley Works
Brown Company   Knipex   Starrett, L.S. Company
Buffum Tool Co.   Kraeuter & Co.   Stephens Wrench Co.
Buhl Sons   Kyoto Tool Company   Stubai
Bullard Automatic Wrench   Lakeside Forge Co.   Sunnen Products Company
C & G Wheel Puller   Lamson & Sessions   Super Tool Company
C.M.B. Wrench   Lane, Will B. Co.   Superior Wrench
California Tool Co.   Larco Wrench & Mfg.   Sure Seal Bottle Capper Co.
Cape Ann Tool Company   Larson Tool & Stamping   Symington Wayne Corp.
Carlson Manufacturing Co.   Lea Way Hand Tool   Syracuse Wrench Co.
Champion DeArment   Lectrolite Corp.   Thorsen Manufacturing
Chase, H.H. Company   Lindström, F.E.   Three Peaks Giken
Chicago Mfg. & Dist.   Lisle Corporation   Tobrin Tool Company
Cleveland Hdwe. & Forging   Lobtex Company   Toho Koki Company
Cleveland Wrench Co.   Los Angeles Tool Co.   Tone Company
Cochran Pipe Wrench Mfg.   Lowell Wrench Co.   Top Kōgyō Company
Coes Wrench Company   Lowentraut, P. Mfg.   Tower & Lyon
Collins Company   Lueck, F.R. Mfg.   Tracht-Odenthal
Cornwell Quality Tools   MAC Tools   Trimont Mfg.
Crescent Mfg.   MacDonald, J.N.   Truecraft Tool Co.
Crescent Niagara Corp.   Matsusaka Iron Works   Truth Tool Co.
Crescent Tool Co.   Mayhew Steel Products   U.S. Hame Company
Cronk & Carrier Mfg.   McKaig-Hatch   United Shoe Machinery
Currier-Koeth Mfg.   McPherson-Huff Tool Co.   Unknown Forge Mark
D.T.M. Corporation   Mechanics' Tool & Forge   Utica Drop Forge & Tool
Daido Corporation   Meisei Tsushō   Vanadium Tool Co.
Danielson, J.P. Company   Midwest Tool & Cutlery   Vandegrift Mfg.
Davenport Tool Co.   Miki Netsuren   Vaughan & Bushnell
Detroit Tool and Forge   Miller Combination Tool   Vim Tool Company
Diamond Calk Horseshoe   Miller Tool & Mfg.   Vlchek Tool Co.
Dowidat   Miller, Charles Co.   Vulcan Manufacturing
Dunbar Drop Forge Co.   Millers Falls   Wakefield Wrench
Duro Metal Products   Milwaukee Tool & Forge   Walden-Worcester, Inc.
Durston Manufacturing   Mito Kōki Company   Walworth Manufacturing
E.T. Company   Montgomery Ward & Co.   Waymoth Corporation
Eagle Claw Wrench Co.   Moore Drop Forging   Weber-Knapp Company
Easco Corporation   Mossberg, Frank Co.   Western Auto Supply
Eastern Machine Screw   Motor Specialties Co.   Western Forge Corp.
Efficiency Device Corp.   Mystery Tool   Whitman & Barnes
Eklind Tool Co.   Nagaki Seiki   Wilde Tool
Elgin Tool & Socket   Nagel-Chase Mfg.   Williams, J.H. & Co.
Elora   National Hand Tool Corp.   Williams, T. Company
Enderes Tools   New Britain Machine   Winner Tool Company
Erie Tool Works   New Britain Mfg.   Wiss, J. & Sons
FACOM   Orencoverken AB   Witherby Hand Tools
Fairmount Tool & Forging   Osaka Tankō   Wood Specialty Mfg. Co.
Faw, J.H. Company   Osborne, C.S.   Wright Tool and Forge
Flexible Carbon Scraper Co.   Oswego Tool Co.   Wright Wrench
Foot, H. & Company   Owatonna Tool Co.   X4 Tools
Footprint Tools   P&C Hand Forged Tool   Yamaco Company
Forged Steel Products   Packer Auto Specialty   Zim Manufacturing
Fuller Tool Company   Page-Storms Drop Forge    
GEDORE   Palmer Brothers    
Garrington   Park Metalware    
Gellman Mfg.   Parker Manufacturing Co.    
Gendron Iron Wheel Co.   Parker Wire Goods Co.    
Girard Wrench Mfg.   Parmelee Wrench Co.    
Globemaster, Inc.   Peck, Stow, & Wilcox    
Goodell-Pratt   Peerless Wrench    
Gordon Tools   Pendleton Tool Ind.    
Green, Tweed & Co.   Penens Corporation    
Greenfield Tap & Die   Petersen Mfg. Co.    
Guthard, Edgar C. Co.   Place Mfg.    
    Plomb Tool    
    Port Clinton Mfg.    
    Porter, H.K. Inc.    
H & E Wrench        
H-P Tool Mfg.        
Hall, Charles E. Co.        
Handee Wrench        
Hartford Special Mach.        
Hawkeye Wrench        
Heller Brothers        
Henry & Allen Company        
Herbrand Corp.        
Hi-Test Premier Products        
Hibbard Spencer Bartlett        
Hinsdale Mfg.        
Hjorth, William & Co.        
Hoe Corporation        
Hokuyo Sangyo        
Hol-Set Manufacturing        
Hunt, George L. Mfg.        
Hunter, H.D. & Company        
Husky Wrench        
IPS Pliers Company        
Imperial Tool Company        
Indestro Mfg.        
Interstate Drop Forge        
Irland Pipe Wrench        
Irvington Mfg.        
Ives, W.A. Manufacturing Co.        
Japan Inst. of Standards        
K-D Manufacturing        
Keystone Mfg.        
Kilborn & Bishop        
King Pressed Steel        
King, J.M. & Company        
Kipton Industries        
Klein Tools        
Klein, M. & Sons        
Kraeuter & Co.        
Kyoto Tool Company        
Lakeside Forge Co.        
Lamson & Sessions        
Lane, Will B. Co.        
Larco Wrench & Mfg.        
Larson Tool & Stamping        
Lea Way Hand Tool        
Lectrolite Corp.        
Lindström, F.E.        
Lisle Corporation        
Lobtex Company        
Los Angeles Tool Co.        
Lowell Wrench Co.        
Lowentraut, P. Mfg.        
Lueck, F.R. Mfg.        
MAC Tools        
MacDonald, J.N.        
Matsusaka Iron Works        
Mayhew Steel Products        
McPherson-Huff Tool Co.        
Mechanics' Tool & Forge        
Meisei Tsushō        
Midwest Tool & Cutlery        
Miki Netsuren        
Miller Combination Tool        
Miller Tool & Mfg.        
Miller, Charles Co.        
Millers Falls        
Milwaukee Tool & Forge        
Mito Kōki Company        
Montgomery Ward & Co.        
Moore Drop Forging        
Mossberg, Frank Co.        
Motor Specialties Co.        
Mystery Tool        
Nagaki Seiki        
Nagel-Chase Mfg.        
National Hand Tool Corp.        
New Britain Machine        
New Britain Mfg.        
Orencoverken AB        
Osaka Tankō        
Osborne, C.S.        
Oswego Tool Co.        
Owatonna Tool Co.        
P&C Hand Forged Tool        
Packer Auto Specialty        
Page-Storms Drop Forge        
Palmer Brothers        
Park Metalware        
Parker Manufacturing Co.        
Parker Wire Goods Co.        
Parmelee Wrench Co.        
Peck, Stow, & Wilcox        
Peerless Wrench        
Pendleton Tool Ind.        
Penens Corporation        
Petersen Mfg. Co.        
Place Mfg.        
Plomb Tool        
Port Clinton Mfg.        
Porter, H.K. Inc.        
Quality Tools Corp.        
Rajah Company        
Rancke Manufacturing Co.        
Reechet Tool Corp.        
Reed Manufacturing Co.        
Rex Wrench        
Rhode Island Tool        
Richards Mfg.        
Ridge Tool Company        
Riken Kaki Kōgyō        
Robert Wrench        
Rogers, Printz & Co.        
Ronson Specialty Co.        
Rosel, W.E. Company        
Scholler Mfg.        
Schollhorn, William Co.        
Schriver, O.P.        
Sears, Roebuck & Co.        
Sedgley, R.F.        
Service Engineering Corp.        
Sherman-Klove Co.        
Showa Supana Seizo        
Simplex Wrench Co.        
Sire & Petersen        
Smith & Hemenway        
Smith, H.D. Company        
Smith, Thomas & Sons        
Snap-On Wrench Company        
Snap-on Tools Corp.        
Southington Mfg.        
Specialty Tools, Inc.        
Speednut Wrench Corp.        
Spring Leaf Lubricator Co.        
St. Pierre Chain Corp.        
Standard Wrench & Tool        
Stanley Works        
Starrett, L.S. Company        
Stephens Wrench Co.        
Sunnen Products Company        
Super Tool Company        
Superior Wrench        
Sure Seal Bottle Capper Co.        
Symington Wayne Corp.        
Syracuse Wrench Co.        
Thorsen Manufacturing        
Three Peaks Giken        
Tobrin Tool Company        
Toho Koki Company        
Tone Company        
Top Kōgyō Company        
Tower & Lyon        
Trimont Mfg.        
Truecraft Tool Co.        
Truth Tool Co.        
U.S. Hame Company        
United Shoe Machinery        
Unknown Forge Mark        
Utica Drop Forge & Tool        
Vanadium Tool Co.        
Vandegrift Mfg.        
Vaughan & Bushnell        
Vim Tool Company        
Vlchek Tool Co.        
Vulcan Manufacturing        
Wakefield Wrench        
Walden-Worcester, Inc.        
Walworth Manufacturing        
Waymoth Corporation        
Weber-Knapp Company        
Western Auto Supply        
Western Forge Corp.        
Whitman & Barnes        
Wilde Tool        
Williams, J.H. & Co.        
Williams, T. Company        
Winner Tool Company        
Wiss, J. & Sons        
Witherby Hand Tools        
Wood Specialty Mfg. Co.        
Wright Tool and Forge        
Wright Wrench        
X4 Tools        
Yamaco Company        
Zim Manufacturing        

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